Monday, February 24, 2014

Myth Reflection - Myhtic conventions in "The Big Lebowski"

While trying to think of modern narratives that follow mythical structure and archetypes, I found that most pop culture icons that have some childhood significance  to me have strong roots in the mythic tradition, specifically the Joseph Campbell  archetype of the  “rugged individual , leaving home in search of some new knowledge, over coming daunting trials and finally  returning home with  new knowledge and some reward for his endeavors.  Obviously comic books, science-fiction, and fantasy narratives enact this structure serially. From Bob Kane’s Batman to Frank Miller’s adaptation of  Wolverine, and even Tarantino’s character the Bride; the mythic heroes journey is a prevalent tradition and a somewhat required aspect of compelling drama.
    However I was able to think of one narrative that takes the Joseph Campbell model of the hero’s quest  and  subverts the essential plot conventions of  myth. The Cohen Brother‘s  film, “The Big Lebowski”  follows the heroes journey in the sense that it is a man taken from his normal environment who embarks on a series of extraordinary tasks that are supposed to lead to a reward and some sort of new found knowledge. However events of the narrative lead to no real resolution other than that there’s a quest that is completed but no real knowledge gained . All of the knowledge gained by the Dude’s  labors are usually some sort of misinformation leading one horrible choice into another which follows throughout the film.  While the  series of unresolved events is what drives the comedy aspects of the plot,  it is the persistent use of resolving and then deconstructing plot twists that makes the story of The Dude a unique mythic journey. In many ways it can be viewed as a type  of pseudo myth in that it relies on the deconstruction and subversion of  mythic archetypes. To understand  just what the hell it is I’m rambling about,  I suggest the next time you have 2 hours to yourself  you make a White Russian,  put on your most comfortable pjs and robe,  kick back and enjoy the “ Dude abide.”

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